Thursday 17 July 2014

Fighting Boko Haram : Jonathan seeks NASS approval to shop for $1billion loan.

Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan has asked the National Assembly to approve his request before them to borrow $1billion externally to be able to fight the Boko Haram insurgents to a stand still. Jonathan made the request in a letter he sent to both the Senate and House of Representatives on Tuesday which was read in both chambers on Wednesday. In the letter, the President said the money was to be used for among others, the upgrade of security equipment, so as to be able to wage the war against insurgents in the North East well. He added that the money when secured will also be used for the training of the military and other security officers in the country. The letter read by the Senate President at Wednesday sitting of the Senate read in part ,”I seek the concurrence of the National Assembly for external borrowing of not more than $1billion dollars including government to government arrangements for this upgrade “. President Jonathan said he was counting on the steadfast support of the legislators on the borrowing of the money. The Federal Government under the leadership of Jonathan has within this financial year dispensed close to N1 trillion on security especially in relation to insecurity in the country,a trend which the people believe is not abating.

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